Daily Adventures of a Stay At Home Mom

This is a blog so that when my husband comes home and ask what I've done all day, I can actually go back and show him.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Adventures in Cloth

Thanks to our pal, Child is back in cloth diapers. I've heard many people say that I'm brave for using cloth diapers - but do you know how much a disposable diaper costs? Thank goodness Child can wear Huggies, because it's about $20.00 being thrown in the trash every two weeks. I'm not going back to cloth because of the money though. Pal's child is fully potty trained and I'm hoping that some of the potty training magic will rub off on child. It's not worked so far because Child appparently does not mind sitting in a wet cloth swaddled around her privates. She's leaked through her pants already. On the plus side she did say "poop" this morning after she did - and that's not something she's done since we switched to disposables.

We met a new friend today. One of my neighbors came over and we found out that we go to church together and that her child is going to be in class with Child. That's great that Child will know another kid in her class. I brought up carpooling and Neighbor sounded excited about the prospect too.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Interesting News

I forgot to post this earlier, but I just wanted to share a tid bit of information that I learned on 20/20. It is legal for you to marry your first cousin in several states in the US. They did a bit on how some first cousins married and low and behold - they had kids that didn't have 3 heads. Suprisingly, West Virginia does have the law which states marriage between first cousins is illegal. Even if I were single, I have no desire to marry any of my cousins - especially since they are mostly girls. Aren't you still wondering why West Virginia is one of the states to ban inter-cousin marriage? Maybe it's an image thing.

I just like this picture. She pulled the hat all the way down her face and then pulled it back up. She was excited that she could see. Posted by Picasa

Miss Smurfette Posted by Picasa

Child trying on the hat I knit for church Posted by Picasa

And I Ran. . I Ran So Far Away Posted by Picasa

Consignment Season & New HP Outlet

As summer comes to an end, I realize that consignment season is on. I've already forgotten about one sale. The consignment sales are how I suppliment child's wardrobe and equipment. I get a lot of Child's playclothes from the sales - since her favorite past time activity is to dig in the dirt. I look at some of the clothes from my BB friends and are envious at how angelic their kids are standing in their new outfits. Their kids must like to play inside or they have some kick butt stain removal system that I don't know about. I got Child a very cute winter fleece coat from LL Bean yesterday though. I spent more than I'd like to - but LL Bean's quality is good enough that it should last the whole season and then some. My goal for the next consignment sale is to find Child a tricycle. She has a big wheel - but I think that she'd love to have a trike to ride on.


So I've been talking to some pals about what we are going to do b/n now and the 7th Harry Potter Book or when the Goblet of Fire movie comes out. I've found out that there are a lot of Harry Potter knitting patterns out there. I'm going to go out and knit me a Harry Potter scarf! I found it a pattern at knit.atypically.net. The only problem is to figure out which house I want to knit. While I am a Gryffindor supporter - I don't know if I want to really out myself as a Harry Potter nerd to the world. I could support my fellow Asian, Cho Chang, and knit a Ravenclaw scarf - since it'll go nicely with my blue leather coat. Choices, choices, choices.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Nature vs. The Simpsons

Child and Husband were watching the Simpsons together, when Husband channel surfed during the commercial. He flipped onto Nature, a program on PBS. All I can hear is Child calling out colors "Red Bird" " Green Bird" "Baby Bird" and then "Delicious" When I asked Husband why she called out "Delicious" he said that the birds were eating. Husband is so enchanted by Child's comments that they are watching Nature together. Nature conquers over the Simpsons.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A caption of the chocolate milk dance. Child wouldn't let me take a picture while she was spinning. She wanted to pose for the camera. Just imagine her spinning around singing "chocolate milk, chocolate milk" Posted by Picasa

Climb succesful.  Posted by Picasa

Child climbing up to window in caboose. Posted by Picasa

Child playing drums at museum Posted by Picasa

Child at the park. Posted by Picasa

The after effects of Hurricane Child. Child emptied out 2 laundry baskets of clothes while I was cooking dinner. Posted by Picasa

Family Visits

This week Child's cousin is visiting us. He spent the first half of the week ignoring me, except to ask for random snacks. Last night I figured after remembering passages from Magic 1-2-3, I came up with some disciplinary tactics which may work. I took Cousin's money that he had brought and asked him if he wanted the money by the end of the week. I told him that in our house we count to 3 and if he doesn't listen to me I'm taking $1.00 instead of putting him in a time out. I know how much he values money. It's worked pretty well today. Being a parent means thinking quick.

We've been to many different outings this week. We've been to the beach. Child scares me at the beach b/c she has no fear. We took her out in the water and she was trying to jump out of our arms. When she plays in the surf, she thinks it's hilarious that the undertow is trying to pull her back. We went to a playground, which was a big flop. I thought there was an area where you could see the planes take off, but I couldn't find it. Today we went to a science museum. It was a lot of fun. It's very interactive and they have a great playground with drums, a big caboose, sandpit, and play area. Child and Cousin had a lot of fun.

Today was pretty busy. I returned my Harry Potter book that I preordered since I got one at Walmart at 12:05 AM on Saturday. I'm still going over the book in my mind. One of my friend's sister posted a letter to JK Rowling in her blog asking her if she's met her friends OMG and WTF. Ha ha. I also returned a pie to Fresh Market. It said that it was lemon merengue, but it was coconut creme. YUCK! Coconut is gross.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Only 126 more pages to go

I was 5th in line at Wal-mart at 12:01 to pick up the new HP book. I stayed up until 3 AM reading it and I couldn't believe my eyes. It's exciting from the very beginning! It' 4:00 and I only have 126 more pages, but I needed a break b/c I'm starting to go cross-eyed from all of the reading.

***Warning one of the comments contains a tiny Harry Potter spoiler - so if you don't want to know - don't read it until you are done!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Oh yeah - you rest and elevate your foot!

Today has been wasted on my stupid ankle. We went to the doctor's this morning and we waited 45 minutes before the doctor saw me. I really like my doctor - technically she's a physician's assistant. I feel like the office needs to give me 45 minutes of sanity back - because trying to keep a 2 year old entertained in a waiting room is not fun. At least she entertained the other patient and the pharmacy rep, by twirling around with her eyes closed. I kept picturing her knocking herself out on the corner of the table, but at least we were at the doctors. My ankle is sprained. I'm to take prescription strength Alleve and had to buy an ankle brace. Just by missing a step I've had to shell out $50 in co-pays, prescriptions, and ankle accessories.

After dropping off the prescription and being told that Eckerd does not carry ankle braces - I looked up and saw that Child was no where near me. As panicked filled me up, I found her in the diaper aisle. When I went to get her, she ran away. It's not easy to chase a kid while you are hobbling along. When I caught up with her I gave her a pinwheel to occupy herself and promised her a viewing of Strawberry Shortcake if she would sit with me at the pharmacy area. After trying to get her to walk with me, Child went limp. I tried to drag her and she let go and laid on the floor. We finally got to the waiting area and sat down for two seconds before she was out of her chair, picking up the curtesy phone and trying to call Hong Kong. After wrestling the phone away from her my prescription was finally ready. I was so frusterated with her, I felt like I was going to be featured in the nightly news for being caught on the Eckerd security camera for beating my child. I didn't hit her - but I sure thought about it - a lot and in detail.

If it wasn't for the presciption label warning me that my liver would explode in a million pieces if I took alcohol with the meds I'd be drinking a Miller Lite right now.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Parental Injury #1

Usually I post about Child's accidents, today I had one of my own. As I was carrying child down the stairs after her nap, I missed one step lost my footing - put my entire weight on my ankle and heard a strange ripping sound. I fell over but child is ok. I don't think my ankle is broken since I can limp around. Husband came home and ordered me to elevate my foot and put ice on it and wrapt it with an ace bandage. Ice makes my foot cold - so I've gone without. Husband had a softball game tonight and let the other softball wives watch Child this evening. Ooooh - I think I hear the garage door opening - I better grab some ice for my foot.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The great slurpee debate

To my wonderful mom:

I would just like to say that I remember getting an "Icee" from K-mart everytime we went as a child. We also would get Icees from Highs when we lived in Rockville. I can say that I don't think that you got me slurpees - because we weren't close enough to 7-11. But after track and sometimes during Rock N Roll revival practice we'd go across the street to 7-11 for orange slurpees.

The Harry Potter Challenge

The new Harry Potter book comes out on Saturday. Usually I'll read the previous book before the new one comes out so that the details are fresh. However I forgot about the new book coming out and didn't have enough time to read it. So I'm taking the Harry Potter challenge and going to see if I can read Order of the Phoenix before my book comes on Saturday. I'm also thinking about going to Super Wal-mart at midnight on Friday to get the book and return my pre-ordered copy to Amazon.com. Yes I know how dorky this is - thank you. Poor Child, she might be slightly neglected until I can finish the new book.

Child and I went to the movies this morning. The local theaters offer free children's movies during the mornings over the summer. A couple weeks ago we saw Elmo in Grouchland and today we saw Veggie Tales. I think that Child is still too young for movies. The only thing that she likes about it is the popcorn - which I hestitantly give her ever since hearing about the 4 year old who choked to death on movie theater popcorn. All child wanted to do was run on the stairs. Veggie Tales wasn't a very exciting movie - I was hoping it would keep her interest since it was cartoons, but there was too much talking. She likes the stuff where there is a lot of music. She wouldn't even sit in my lap for M&Ms.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Yahtzee - Game Over!!

Child's idea of a good time is to take all of our board games and dump the contents out all over the floor. There's nothing like walking into a room with Scrabble tiles, Boggle cubes, Trivial Pursuit pies, and Yahtzee die all over the place and mixed in together. I've caught Child putting the Yahtzee dice in the cup and dumping them out. Is she a natural Yahtzee player? She amazes me with how smart she is - she instinctly knows how to play Yahtzee. Maybe she'll be a world famous craps player who will make it the high roller lounges at the Bellagio. She's brilliant
and then she shoves the Yahtzee chips in her mouth. Sigh.

Child trying to open duty-free candy that her uncle left in the car Posted by Picasa

Child sporting her Canada Day Gap T-shirt Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 11, 2005

Happy 7/11

I just realized that today was 7/11. I wish I could celebrate by going to a 7-11 and getting a slurpee and those nasty nachos with the fake cheese and mysterious chili. Unfortunately NC doesn't believe in 7-11 - so if you are near a 7-11 have a slurpee and think of me.

Why XM Radio is the best

As I was driving the minivan to Mommy-land AKA Target this morning, I got to rock out to the 90's station on XM radio. I love the 90s station because it plays all sorts of music from Grunge to BBD's Poison to Ace of Base. As I was listening to "The Sign" I was transported back to 1994 back to leaving Sherwood High School and singing to the Swedish pop sensation Ace of Base. I was so cool back then. However it could be argued that "Don't Turn Around" is a better Ace of Base song b/c of the cool rap that's in it. What ever happened to Ace of Base?

I don't know what's happened to Child but she's sleeping again. It's wonderful. She slept well in Toronto and it's continuing. Hooray. Now that I'm posting this - she'll probably wake up a zillion times tonight.

I've actually been able to vacuum and clean up some here. Husband put up our Ikea shelves yesterday. We realized that Ikea neglected to put the laminate on one of the boards and it's ripped off the board of the other shelf. Maybe the members of Ace of Base are working in the Ikea factory and crapping up my cheap furniture because they wish that were popular again.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Child picking Strawberries - it took a little while for her to realize that you could actually eat the strawberries. Posted by Picasa

Me & Child together at all you can eat Japanese. All you can eat sushi - it was lovely. Even Child ate her first bit of sushi and loved it. Posted by Picasa

Child loves a good chocolate and strawberry crepe Posted by Picasa

Me, Husband, and Cousin Ashley enjoying a brew at the Black Dog Pub Posted by Picasa

Child enjoying Wings - well it's more like the dill sauce that's she's loving Posted by Picasa

Child in Toronto Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Ho Ho I've remembered my password!

I'm in Canada now! It took forever to get here. It all started on Saturday and waking up at 5:30 to make sure that we got to the airport on time. Standing in a huge line at curbside to be told that our flight to DC was delayed and we wouldn't make our connection in Buffalo. Why was the flight delayed - is it because of mechanical issues? No the US Airways captain had arrived late and the plane was delayed 8 hours. Husband was not happy. The line inside was horrendous and after speaking to a US Airways rep. on the phone forever they saw that there was nothing that they could do. I asked for a refund and they gladly refunded my costs, as well as priceline for our car rental. I give Priceline.com my recommendations, but US Airways is a big stinky diaper. We decided to take our lovely minivan - since we had no other alternative and drive the whole way. It's amazing how the anger of a husband can fuel a van all the way up to Canada!

I would've posted this earlier but I couldn't remember my password.

Canada has been lovely. It's like a real vacation. Since we've gone to meet my entire family on my mother's side there have been plenty of people to watch Child. Husband and I went out without her 2 nights in a row! Can you imagine? We went out bowling and then we went to a race track where they had slots. I lost about $20.00 but Husband won $50.00 playing the Price Is Right Slots. He did so well, that my 2 cousins played and they lost about $60.00 combined.

Child is loving it up here. She's getting so much attention. She's a real actress and loves having an audience. We went to Ontario's largest pool yesterday and when she saw it she clapped, jumped up and down and said "yeah, pool , yeah, swimming" The water was freezing. How can people swim in 70 degree weather?

Today we go to Super Buffet. My husband and my cousin have made a bet on how many plates they can eat. Who will win? Who will get sick? Oh the drama! I'm sure we've gained 20 lbs each. All we've done is sit around, eat, and shop.