Daily Adventures of a Stay At Home Mom

This is a blog so that when my husband comes home and ask what I've done all day, I can actually go back and show him.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Family Visits

This week Child's cousin is visiting us. He spent the first half of the week ignoring me, except to ask for random snacks. Last night I figured after remembering passages from Magic 1-2-3, I came up with some disciplinary tactics which may work. I took Cousin's money that he had brought and asked him if he wanted the money by the end of the week. I told him that in our house we count to 3 and if he doesn't listen to me I'm taking $1.00 instead of putting him in a time out. I know how much he values money. It's worked pretty well today. Being a parent means thinking quick.

We've been to many different outings this week. We've been to the beach. Child scares me at the beach b/c she has no fear. We took her out in the water and she was trying to jump out of our arms. When she plays in the surf, she thinks it's hilarious that the undertow is trying to pull her back. We went to a playground, which was a big flop. I thought there was an area where you could see the planes take off, but I couldn't find it. Today we went to a science museum. It was a lot of fun. It's very interactive and they have a great playground with drums, a big caboose, sandpit, and play area. Child and Cousin had a lot of fun.

Today was pretty busy. I returned my Harry Potter book that I preordered since I got one at Walmart at 12:05 AM on Saturday. I'm still going over the book in my mind. One of my friend's sister posted a letter to JK Rowling in her blog asking her if she's met her friends OMG and WTF. Ha ha. I also returned a pie to Fresh Market. It said that it was lemon merengue, but it was coconut creme. YUCK! Coconut is gross.


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