Daily Adventures of a Stay At Home Mom

This is a blog so that when my husband comes home and ask what I've done all day, I can actually go back and show him.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


My darling husband has jumped on the blog bandwagon and has created his own blog. To check it out go to: http://www.mikeslogicblog.blogspot.com/

Now let's see if I can get it to link!

The age that we live in. . .

Child just said to me "Noggin dot com" Child isn't 3 yet but she already surfs the web.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Now Broadcasting to Grandparents

We got a webcam today at Grammy's request. Child got bored with it but it was pretty cool. Now the grandparents can she the Princess Royale live. It's very Jetsons like!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Going in Posted by Picasa

The remains of the peaches Posted by Picasa

What's sadder than becoming a football widow?

The notion that your toddler may no longer need to nap.

Poo the sports hiatus is almost over

The conclusion of this week will bring me back to football widow status. Luckily we are attending a wedding this weekend during the NC State game but Husband has his Fantasy Football draft this weekend. Don't get me started on Fantasy Football. Husband views this as an investment. However he and his friends are stupid enough to give their fantasy football money to someone who never pays out at the end of the season. Husband get State tickets as a birthday gift from his mother for the past couple of years. Every Saturday will be devoted to college football and each Sunday and Monday night is spent in front of the TV watching professional football games. As soon as you think football is over basketball starts. I don't know which is worse.

Husband and I have made a bet over the college football season. Whoever's team does better gets to fly their flag on their house, while the loser gets shafted to a small garden flag. I do need to go out and find a West Virginia flag since WVU did better than State during the last March Madness.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Child went to a birthday party at the park today. Enjoying her cupcake. Posted by Picasa

Me and Child on the train Posted by Picasa

Child getting ready for the train Posted by Picasa

Child with friends on the boats Posted by Picasa

Child with Andy & Opie Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The sound of silence

It's 8:41 and amazingly Child is sleeping in today. She normally wakes up around 7:00. I do realize that we may have to go napless today, which I'm willing to risk to have a cup of coffee - which I normally on get on the weekends or special occasions. I've been wondering why she hasn't woken up, when I realize that they are not banging around on the house that they are constructing behind us. This must be the reason why she's still asleep. I think today we are just going to kick back and relax at home - if that's possible.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Women - check this website out!

Feeling blue or unappreciated? Let the Brawny Man pick you up. There are several different situations to suit your needs. It's hilarious and makes me actually want to buy some paper towels. http://www.brawnyman.com/innocentescapes

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Moving to the music with Laurie Berkner on www.noggin.com Posted by Picasa

This is how you dance like an octopus Posted by Picasa

Dancing like a lion Posted by Picasa

Dancing to Laurie Berkner on the computer. This is the alligator part. Posted by Picasa

Further evidence that Child is indeed related to Uncle Nate Posted by Picasa

Child insisted on bringing her butterfly backpack to the library Posted by Picasa

Child's Post


This translates to get off the computer mommy so I can play the Elmo game!

Snip Snip - girly girl day

One day she'll love to go on outings like we did today - that's what I tell myself. Today Child got her hair cut. After hearing to husband complain endlessly about her hair, I gathered up Child and headed out to the hair cut place. Usually Child hates getting her hair cut. Well, the first time I cut her hair she did pretty good, last time it was ugly. This time we had a good experience, the hairdresser knew what she was doing and Child actually sat still. If you haven't been to a place that is designated for children to get their hair cut, I recommend that you take a peek. They have video games, prizes, toys, a whole bunch of stuff to keep your kid occupied so they don't mind someone coming at their head with scissors. Child got 2 lollypops and then she even got to trade in her hair for a prize. When I was little I either had to go to the Hair Cuttery or have my grandmother cut my hair. I left my haircuts with 1 lollypop (if I was lucky) and a bowlshaped hair do. That Dorothy Hamill, owes millions of girls apologies for having a hair style that looks like a bowl has been stuck on her head.

After the haircut, we visited my friends ZZ & A at my former place of work. It was great seeing them and Child had a ton running around in their office. Sometimes I miss working - but then I realize I only miss hanging out with ZZ & A and being in on the practical jokes. I don't miss the work part - when one of my 5 bosses would tell me to do some inane task that a helper monkey should be doing. We had lunch with them and had terrible service. We had Child's favorite food: pancakes & potatoes.

We proceeded to the mall after lunch where Child's foot got measured. Her foot has grown a whole size since May. Isn't that crazy? She has just gone through a growth spurt, where her torso has gotten longer so all of her shirts are belly shirts now. My daughter who has the look of a pre-pregnancy Brittney Spears with Oprah feet.

What child loves to do while she's supposed to take a nap. . what you can't see is the contents of her dresser drawers all over the bed Posted by Picasa

Child's favorite place to sleep - on the floor right by the door Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 11, 2005

My girl wants to potty all the time. . .

Well we did end up sleeping a little this morning. We fell asleep at 9:00 AM and woke up around 11:30. We basically chilled out for the rest of the day. . . however this afternoon I let child run around naked and had the potty out in the living room. Child peed twice in the potty. Hooray! The first time she sat on the potty and made herself go by straining. The second she was standing and I saw her starting to pee so I ran her over to the potty. I'm not sure if that was actually potty training or mommy training. But we celebrated the potty usage by dancing, shouting hooray, and with some plain M&Ms. Child knows that she'll get chocolate if she goes to the potty. Child has also peed in potty last weekend when I let her run around with no bottoms on too - so I'm taking this as a good sign.

For the first time ever, Child has requested dinner. This afternoon I was talking about dinner and she said "pancakes" and then "potatoes". I was pleased and then when Husband came home we went to get potatoes and pancakes. Child gobbled most of what she was served and it was a big potato with a good helping of potatoes. Obviously, Child is on the all carbs diet. It's how she keeps her trim figure.

It's 3:30 AM - do you know where your child is?

My child is knocking on the door demanding to be let out for the day, and at 7:00 AM she's still up and very active. Unfortunately, when Child gets sick she tends to wake up in the middle of the night and not want to go back to sleep. She also doesn't like taking medicine - despite bribes of M&Ms. I think the only way to get her to sleep through the night is to keep her from napping during the day - but that's pretty tough. We have about a month left before preschool starts. My volunteering will start kicking in during September too. It's weird how volunteering keeps me sane but drives me crazy at the same time.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Honey, That's Not Helping Mommy

Child loves to help around the house. Unfortunately her type of helping does not actually lessen the load of housework around here, it usually doubles it. I wish I she could understand how to actually help.

Ways that Child could help:

1) To not scream and cry and attempt to run away during diaper changes. Being potty trained would help even more - however that's more of a miracle at this point.

2) To actually go take a nap when placed in bed during nap time.

Pulling off every item on shelves and then jumping on the trundle bed in a manner to hurt yourself - not helpful.

3) Not slamming the dishwasher door or pulling out all clean pots/pans/tupperware out of cabinents while Mommy is doing dishes

4) Not pulling items out of the trash

5) Playing quitely in the playroom that was the major decision factor in Mommy and Daddy buying this house

While typing this I observe Child putting Dorothy, Wags, and Henry to sleep. Why can't she go to sleep too?