Daily Adventures of a Stay At Home Mom

This is a blog so that when my husband comes home and ask what I've done all day, I can actually go back and show him.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Adventures in Cloth

Thanks to our pal, Child is back in cloth diapers. I've heard many people say that I'm brave for using cloth diapers - but do you know how much a disposable diaper costs? Thank goodness Child can wear Huggies, because it's about $20.00 being thrown in the trash every two weeks. I'm not going back to cloth because of the money though. Pal's child is fully potty trained and I'm hoping that some of the potty training magic will rub off on child. It's not worked so far because Child appparently does not mind sitting in a wet cloth swaddled around her privates. She's leaked through her pants already. On the plus side she did say "poop" this morning after she did - and that's not something she's done since we switched to disposables.

We met a new friend today. One of my neighbors came over and we found out that we go to church together and that her child is going to be in class with Child. That's great that Child will know another kid in her class. I brought up carpooling and Neighbor sounded excited about the prospect too.


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