Daily Adventures of a Stay At Home Mom

This is a blog so that when my husband comes home and ask what I've done all day, I can actually go back and show him.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Hamming it up at lunch time

Child and I went to have sushi with our pals Zsazsa and Ang and C today. Child saw Z and with so much love in her voice said "Zsazsa". Child happily munched on her McDonald's while I was studying the new menu at Kanki. I have to say that Kanki sushi is still my favorite in the area. During lunch Child busted out in the alphabet song. My favorite part is at the end. . you know when you sing "Now I know my ABCs next time won't you sing with me". Child's version is "Now I babble babble ABC babble babble babble meeeee" Z, A, and C clap at the end of the Child's song, and wouldn't you know it. . . she starts bowing, in her high seat, and says "Thank You Thank you" It was priceless. She's so cute - I don't know where she gets it.

My super duper Silver Cross Mini came in today. I love it, it's so beautiful. I wish I could get a pram, but I'm not Madonna or Gweneth and amazingly our town doesn't require sidewalks to be built so I'd have no where to push it. I don't think you can put it in a car unless you have a trailer hitched to the back to carry it. What's going on here - I'm drooling over a stroller (which is the forth in our collection). I'm definitely a mom. If you are wondering why in the world I got another stroller - I got this one at a huge warehouse sale. It's for Child until the end of her stroller days and for future Child #2. I am going to sell some of my other strollers though to help recoup the cost of this stroller. It's like I'm trading my vehicles.


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