Daily Adventures of a Stay At Home Mom

This is a blog so that when my husband comes home and ask what I've done all day, I can actually go back and show him.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Rainy Days and Mondays get me down

It's 6:00 AM in the morning. Child woke up at 5:00 asking for milk in the sweetest little voice. She just fell back asleep though. Parenting tip that I've discovered: when your child wakes up early don't put on Play House Disney, put the news on! Child still sounds sick from a cold and it's raining and supposed to rain all day. This puts a real damper on plans today b/c we can't visit friends and we're stuck in here all day. Maybe I can teach child to scrub the toilet or something. Ha! Even more depressing is that I went to weather.com and see that the 10-day forcast includes thunder showers all next week, when we are supposed to start swim lessons - at an outdoor pool. Yep, rainy days get me down.

1. Child dressed and fed. She ate two waffles, which is a huge accomplishment for her
2. Kitchen swept and tidied up
3. Went to the banks, went to Wal-mart to get some rainy day activities, went to Harris Teeter. We went to a Harris Teeter that we've never been to before and child says "Cookie, balloon" as we stop. Sigh - she knows her bribes at that particular store. Was stopped at HT and told that child was beautiful. I have to agree
4. Came home and set up the bean activity. This is something that I saw while subbing for the 4 year old class at Child's school. There a basically a bunch of dry beans that are placed in a large plastic tub and then Child can put them in cups and play with them. Of course as soon as the first bag of beans is opened I catch Child with beans very close to her nostrils. What is it with beans and noses? The quote of the day "Beans do not belong in your nose" I guess there is a reason why the beans are for the 4 year olds and not the 2s. I suppose that the 4 year olds know better then stick beans up their noses.

Goal for June 2
1. Prevent major inside boredom in child
2. Vaccuum
3. Research steam cleaner for carpet. How is it that in a little over a month of living here, my carpet looks horrible?

Stats for June 2
Spills: only beans so far
Accidents: 2, head bumped on car door, smacked face on drawer in kitchen (not really sure how she did that)
Annoying Children's Song Stuck in Head: Theme to 64 Zoo Lane

Here's a link to the doll that I made of myself. I thought I would share it with you. It's a great time waster though. http://www.windsorpeak.com/dc/user_files/26627.html


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